7 September 2012

Paranormal Activity 2

In a dark cinema with only two others, I found myself doing what I thought I never would... attending a screening of a haunting Paranormal Activity film.

Paranormal Activity 2 is both the prequel and sequel to the uniquely impressive first film, cleverly set both before and after the events of Paranormal Activity.  The family of the previous film's central character, Katie, move into a new house where mysterious and disturbing activity begins to unfold in the dark of the night.

The film exceeds in producing a sense of realism.  Filmed firstly by the daughter, Ali, through a handheld camera, and then through a series of security cameras installed around the property, we are provided with an intimate insight into the going-ons at the house.  Ali's point of view filming, in particular, presents an inescapably immersive experience.  With unsteady shots and grainy footage, the camerawork produces a perfect sense of authenticity.

The filmmakers successfully manipulate the mundane, producing a plausible representation of everyday life against which the paranormal happenings are set and intensified.  The film alternates successfully between sudden startling shocks and something more unnerving and psychological, through an effective use of the unknown.  With long periods of inactivity penetrated by sudden crashes, it plays on the unpredicted and inexplicable.  By cleverly employing low frequency sound at strategic points, an unsettling feeling builds suspense and haunts the sinister scenes.  Amidst this, the script presents an interesting comment on the contemporary subject of terrorism, by exploring the notion that it "thrives on fear."  But when the characters begin to delve into researching the cause behind the activity, the everyday portrait that was so cleverly constructed began to interestingly fall away: prohibiting the previous level of identification.

Rich with authentic filmmaking and shocking to the end, Paranormal Activity 2 is a confident horror film that stands as part of an outstanding franchise.

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